The Chinese dental imaging market size in FY 2020 was valued at USD 225 million. The market is expected to grow at the rate of 15.6% CAGR during FY 2021-2025, which is nowhere close to growth in other categories such as clear aligners, implants or intraoral scanners (CAD/CAM). Nevertheless, the home brewed company Meyer together along with Korean leader VATECH jointly capture more than fifty percent of the domestic imaging market in the country. For the future, the category growth will be fueled by shifting consumer trends from 2D to 3D imaging equipment as well as integration of advanced software applications in the software suite.
Unlike dental implants or even clear aligners, dental imaging equipment does not require strong proof of clinical efficacy, which in turn reduces the regulatory scrutiny – reducing the TTM (time to market) and allowing Meyer to continue its pipeline commercialization.
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